Narrow Way Bible Church


“And all those who had believed were together and had all things in common; and they began selling their property adn possessions adn were sharing them with all, as anyone might have need.” ~ Acts 2:44-45

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At Narrow Way Bible Church, we want to make accessible RESOURCES that we come accross that can encourage and build the body of Christ as we continue our mission to GROW.

Please feel free to DOWNLOAD and use the following resources!

BIBLE - New American Standard 1977 - pdf , epub 

BIBLE - New American Standard 1995 - pdf , epub 

BOOK - Septuagint Version of the Old Testament in English - pdf , epub 

BOOK - Louie Giglio: "I Am Not But I Know I Am" - pdf , epub 

AUDIO - C.S. Lewis: ScrewTape Letters 

AUDIO - "No Greater Love" Scripture Meditations 

VIDEO: Francis Chan - "The Awe Factor of God" 

MAGAZINE: OnePassion Ministries - "Expositor" 

STUDY SERIES: Francis Chan - Crazy Love